COMM 130 Project 7 Web Page

Web site screenshot

(Click here to view page)

A web paged based on a previously designed logo. This was a beginning exercise in HTML and CSS.

Since this was a beginning exercise, we started with sample text that included doctype and meta charset tags. We enclosed the remaining text in appropriate tags. Then we linked the page to a template CSS file and customized the stylesheet to match our own chosen color scheme and styling.

I chose to use my Tooth Kitty logo from the last project. I accordingly set up a black, gray, white, and pink color scheme, using adobe Illustrator’s color picker to find hex values for the gray and pink. I was able to go to Google Fonts, find the same font I used on the last project, and incorporate it. I also optimized line spacing for readability and tweaked spacing between text elements in a couple of places for better use of proximity. And I included some elements of responsiveness.

In consequence of feedback from critiques, I also moved a little text above the logo and gave the second heading a pink background like the first.

The web page describes my process for creating the logo and should communicate my level of competence.

Web viewers who may draw inspiration from my work or consider me for employment.

Top Thing Learned:
Heading backgrounds can be used in aesthetically pleasing ways.

Color scheme and color hex(s):
Monochromatic—pink (#FFC5FF), black (#000000), gray (#E6E7E8), white (#FFFFFF).

Title Font Families & Category:
Comfortaa 700—Sans Serif

Copy Font Families & Category:
Comfortaa 300—Sans Serif

Changes made to the CSS:

  1. Added a Google font
  2. Set default font for site (Comfortaa 300)
  3. Changed background color
  4. Changed body border
  5. Made body width responsive
  6. Changed heading fonts (Comfortaa 700), margins, and background colors
  7. Changed font size, font color, and line spacing for paragraph and list copy
  8. Changed image display settings, including adding responsiveness
  9. Narrowed list width in a responsive way

Word Count: