WordPress Migration

Acoustical Solutions website screenshot

Acoustical Solutions is a small soundproofing company in the Richmond, VA area. When they switched to WordPress from another CMS, I came in through a staffing agency to help finish transferring content to their new site. I transferred copy and comments for over 125 products and completed the project in only 75% of the projected 3-week time frame, making time to help with additional tweaks, like changing file names for better SEO.

Between the time the contract ended in May 2015 and this writing in November of 2015, their site has changed slightly, so the images below only mostly represent my work.

The tables did not transfer entirely correctly between sites, so I routinely had to modify the HTML to fix them. The result was almost or exactly like the example below.

Acoustical Solutions table

I also set up videos to play on the site and posted missing downloads for the individual products.

Acoustical Solutions video tab

Acoustical Solutions download tab

The downloads were in a sidebar at the time, but have since moved to a tab as shown.