ART 331R Module 2: Poster Design and User Testing

In this unit, I produced an instructional poster on how to write in calligraphy and tested it with real users. My poster is below, followed by a process book covering all my work on it so far.

Calligraphy instruction poster

Process book title page

First, I collected research on how-to posters and visual style. Some research items include discussion.

Visual research in process book

Visual research in process book

Visual research in process book

Visual research in process book

Visual research in process book

Visual research in process book

Visual research in process book

Visual research in process book

Visual research in process book

After doing research, I made sketches of poster ideas and selected one that seemed best.

Sketches in process book

I went through the process myself and took photos. The process I selected was writing the letter ā€œgā€ in calligraphy. It has a relatively large number of strokes, so it should make juicier subject material.

Process photos in process book

Finally, I produced a poster.

Poster draft in process book

I tested my poster on multiple users to observe them and get their feedback. The feedback will go into producing a better draft of the poster.

User testing in process book

User testing in process book

User testing in process book

User testing in process book

User testing in process book